When will UK pools reopen post lockdown?

The biggest question for swimmers right now is when will pools reopen? Post lockdown, the UK's economy and services are gradually being opened back up. It was always going to be easier to lockdown, than to open up. Non-essential shops, pubs and restaurants can reopen from 4 July, but what about Swimming Pools?

Lockdown UK started 23 March 2020 and no-one has swum since. Well, that's not quite true as elite swimmers are back in the pool training and pools in Jersey in the Channel Islands are now open. You can also open water swim. The Government announced that from 13 May open water swimming was possible, however there seems to have been some confusion around this, as their intention was probably not for managed open water venues to open. They probably meant for wild swimming, rather than open water swimming to be permitted, but maybe they didn't fully comprehend the difference, but hey, we'll take it.

The recent talk had been for a relaxation of lockdown from 4 July where gyms and swimming pools could start to re-open. However, the announcement 23 June has stopped any hope of an early July reopening. It is widely acknowledged that the operators will need two weeks to fully prepare for reopening and we are already passed that date.
This is a fast moving situation, some might say fluid. At the moment there are a few signs that our nations great swimming pools will possibly able to open mid July (our prediction is 13 July) - as expressed in this tweet from Oliver Dowden, Secretary of State for DCMS:

Swim England have started a #OpenOurPools campaign which is gathering momentum. Expect to see further announcements on this soon.
We will bring you the latest news, as it happens... watch this space and fingers crossed.