Why Swim a Marathon?

This blog is not written by us, but by you; the hundreds of Marathon Swims participants who have so far taken the plunge and entered the #UltimateSwim. Whether taking on the Marathon 10k, Half Marathon 5k or 1k Challenge, the following are all examples of your own answers to the question: “What was your main motivation for entering Marathon Swims?”
Here’s our TOP 20 so far along with a few comments from us: (The names have been changed to protect the innocent):
1. “To challenge myself - I've never done 10k in one go so I would love to do that!”
2. “To beat Mark”
- Haha, we love this one, good old competitive spirit!
3. “My wife only relatively recently taught me to swim. I can do 1km in a 25 metre pool. I've never tried it in a 50 metre pool and this is the perfect venue. A good challenge for me!”
4. “To test myself in an iconic swimming pool.”
- Yep, probably the most recognisable swimming pool in the world!
5. “Coming back to competitive swimming following spinal surgery”
6. “First go at 5k in a less scary environment than open water in that can stop after any 1k if need to.”
- Yep, the distance is “chunked” so much easier to achieve than trying to do a straight 100 lengths for 5k!
7. “I tend to get fittest when I have a goal to aim for”
8. “Going for the 5k option this time, but would love to come back next year and do the full marathon!”
- We’ll hold you to that!
9. “Stepping stone to a future 10k - longer term goal - will help to have done a shorter distance and know the format.”
10. “Personal challenge – currently trying to get 10k time under 3h”
- Speedy!
11. “I LOVE swimming”
- Couldn’t have said it better ourselves!
12. “Setting myself a challenge. I used to be a competitive swimmer and now barely get time to get in the pool after having twins 3 years ago and working full time!”
13. “To give me a goal as swimming is not my strong event”
- Clearly a triathlete, there’s quite a few of them taking on Marathon Swims
14. “Getting better and faster in swimming, preparation for an Iron Man.”
- Yep, and another one!
15. “For fun?”
- Haha we think you’re wise to question it
16. “To raise money for charity, commit to my health and swimming and inspire others to do the same.”
- Absolutely!
17. "Prep for the Channel"
- Wow, the original Marathon Swim!
18. “It’s a great way to raise funds for brain tumour research so support my friend, whom I met through swimming, who was diagnosed with a tumour as a child. He now raises funds for research.”
19. “Challenge of a 10k swim and to do it in such a great venue I just couldn't resist...!”
- The Better team at LAC will love to hear this one!
20. “Swim day out with friends”
- This is a great one to end on. At the end of the day not only will it be a significant achievement but also simply a great day out with friends
A big thank you to everyone who has entered Marathon Swims so far. Your stories and journeys are inspirational and we can’t wait to welcome you to the pool of champions in November.
If you’re about to enter, remember to fill this question in and who knows your answer could feature in our next BLOG!