Launch of the Ultimate Swimming Challenge...
Swimming now has its own marathon. Marathon Swims, the ultimate swimming challenges launches 25 July 2017.
Every major city has a marathon, half marathon and triathlon – now it will have a Marathon Swim. Swimming has been, to some extent, a forgotten sport, especially in terms of participation sport. Very few swimming challenge events exist to inspire and motivate the millions of everyday athletes across the country.

Marathon Swims is a significant, physical and authentic challenge. The event is chip timed, data driven and will look unlike anything ever staged in a pool before. Marathon Swims will be debuting at the pool of champions, the London Aquatics Centre, on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Saturday 11 November 2017 – so save the date.

Marathon Swims will become a national (and potentially international) series of events. We’re excited at the prospect of bringing the ultimate swimming challenge to thousands of swimmers, former swimmers and would-be-swimmers nationwide.
So, will Marathon swimming be the next big thing? Who knows, but we’re diving in and going the distance (10k rather than 26.2 miles). So, who wants to take on the ultimate swimming challenge?